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Asylum Visa

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Sheenarude > Asylum Visa

Who is Eligible for Asylum in USA?

Asylum protection can be obtained by foreign nationals already in the United sates or at the border. The international definition of a “refugee” must be met before an asylum protection can be obtained. A refugee is a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and can’t obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well founded fear of being persecuted on “account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. The answer depends on the country you are from and your personal situation. For a new refugee, the asylum application can seem huge and intimidating. After you submit the application, the next step – an asylum interview – is one of the most important parts of the asylum process. Asylum officers often decide whether to grant you asylum based on that interview alone.

The application process as well as the interview with an immigration officer can be complicated. It is essential that you know what you are doing from the beginning. We can help you at Law Offices of Sheena Rude during this complicated application and interview process.

Fact Sheet on what is required for an Asylum interview

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